Details About Jeffrey Dahmer’s Fridge

Do you want to know what police found inside Jeffrey Dahmer’s fridge? Read our article to unlock the mystery of Jeffrey Dahmer’s world.
Who was Jeffrey Dahmer
Jeffrey Dahmer was an American serial killer who sexually assaulted and brutally killed 17 young males from 1978 to 1991. The police found body organs and skulls of his victims inside his fridge. He was infamous as Milwaukee Cannibal or Milwaukee Monster. He was a cannibal because he liked to eat the flesh of his victims. There is a movie called My Friend Dahmer, which depicts the life of Jeffrey Dahmer.
Let’s have an insight into the twisted world of Jeffrey Dahmer. Life History Of Jeffrey Dahmer
Jeffrey Dahmer was born in Milwaukee on 21st May 1960. His father was a chemist, and his mother was a mentally depressed woman. His parents did not get along well. They did not give him much time. His mother also tried to commit suicide. When he was four years old, he was diagnosed with a double hernia. He underwent surgery for the treatment of a hernia, which changed his life completely. Before surgery, he was an active and happy child. But, he started spending most of his time alone after his surgery.
In his early childhood, Jeffrey Dahmer liked to collect the dead bodies of animals from the roadsides. He had a small hut in the backyard of his house. Dahmer took the dead bodies of animals to dissect them in the hut. Whatever chemical he found in his father’s lab, he used it to degrade the dead animal bodies. We can observe that he was not mentally fit.
What Was In Dahmer’s Fridge
You will have goosebumps while reading what was in the fridge of Jeffrey Dahmer. In 1978, Jeffrey Dahmer began his terrifying spree in Ohio, USA. He mercilessly murdered 17 young men quickly. Dahmer brutally strangled his victims and then raped their bodies.
Jeffrey Dahmer’s first victim was a hitchhiker named Steven Mark Hicks, whom he killed by strangling him in 1978. He then masturbated on the corpse. His second victim, Steven Tuomi, was killed in September 1987 while they were staying in a hotel together. Dahmer drugged Tuomi to make him unconscious, then dismembered his body in his grandmother’s basement. Dahmer’s grandmother was terrified by his possession of a male mannequin in his room. In 1988, she forced him to leave her house. But his brutality continued.
He would seek out men from gay bars, clubs, and malls, especially aiming for African-American youths. He drugged these young men to have sex with them while they were unconscious. He brutally cut up and separated the bodies of his victims.
Jeffrey Dahmer was finally arrested by the cops when Tracy Edward, his last victim, escaped alive in 1991. When police searched his apartment, they found a refrigerator packed with human organs, limbs, and parts. There were three skulls in his refrigerator, a human heart, intestines, and a liver in his fridge.
The police also found corpses of his victims in his apartment. Jeffrey placed two skulls on the computer. There was a big gallon in the corner of his house in which he stored the corpses of his victims. The court sentenced Dahmer to 16 years in prison.
The causes behind his criminal activities are:
Dysfunctional Family
His parents had an unsuccessful married life. His parents and society completely neglected him. His overall personality was severely affected by his dysfunctional family. The divorce of his parents added fuel to the fire.
Alcohol Addiction
Jeffrey Dahmer abused drugs and alcohol. He lost control of his alcohol consumption. Jeffrey left Ohio State University because of his alcohol addiction. In 1978, he enlisted in the army and served in Germany. The army discharged him in 1981 due to his drinking problems. He came back to Ohio. Meanwhile, his father remarried and sent him to live with his grandmother.
Mental Disorder
Experts who studied him labeled him as a sadistic sociopath. Doctors diagnosed him with antisocial personality disorder. He started drinking heavily at a young age. He had a disturbing fascination with death and was often alone. He felt a strong need to control and dominate others. He preferred submissive company and got sexually excited by torturing and killing his victims.
Jeffrey Dahmer was the most terrifying serial killer in the history of the USA. He was suffering from an anti-personality disorder. Jeffrey wanted to get control over his victims for a long time. So, he stored their body parts in his fridge. Moreover, he also preserved the dead bodies of his 11 victims in his apartment.